
ACE, see angiotensin I converting enzyme
acrylamide, 2
α-adducin, 4
adenylate cyclase, 5, 6
adrenal medulla, 7, 8, 9
adrenergic receptor, 10
    α1, 11
    α2, 12
    β1, 13
    β2, 14
    β3, 15
    desensitisation, 16
    downregulation, 17
    genloci, 18
    sequestration, 19
    subtypes, 20, 21
adrenoceptor, see adrenergic receptor
agarose gel, 23, 2425
agonist, 26
    binding site, 27
aldosterone, 29
aldosterone synthase gene, 30
allele specific amplification, 31
alleles, 32
allelic specific oligonucleotides, 33
α receptor, 34
amidephrine, 35
ammonium persulfate, 36
amplification refractory mutation system, 37, 38
angiotensin I converting enzyme, 39
angiotensin receptor, 40
angiotensinogen, 41, 42
annealing temperature, 43
    , see also Tm
antagonist, 45
    binding site, 46
APS, 47
argon ion laser, 48
ARMS, see amplification refractory mutation system
arterenone, see norepinephrine
ASA, see allele specific amplification
ASO, see allelic specific oligonucleotides
association studies, 53
atenolol, 54

B-HT 920, 55
B-HT 933, 56
BE 2254, 57
β receptor, 58
    gene, 59
    haplotypes, 60
    polymorphisms, 61, 62
    structure, 63
    variants, 64
betaxolol, 65
bisoprolol, 66
blue dextran, 67
brachydactyly, 68, 69
bromophenol blue, 70
BUP, 71

Caerphilly Prospective Heart Study, 72
cAMP, 73
candidate gene, 74, 75
catechol O-methyl transferase, 76
catecholamine, 77, 78
    release of, 79
Centrifuges, 80
CGP 20712A, 81
cholinergic receptor, 82
cirazoline, 83
complex trait, 84
contamination, 85
corticotrophin, 86
cycle sequencing, 87
    BigDye terminator, 88, 89
    dye primer, 90, 91

Dahl salt-sensitive rat, 92
denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, 93
deoxynucleotide triphosphate, 94, 95
deproteinisation, 96
desensitisation, 97
DGGE, see denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis
diabetes, 99
discordant sibling pair analysis, 100
    double-stranded, 101
    heat denaturation, 102
    precipitation, 103
    single-stranded, 104, 105
DNA preparation, see nucleic acid preparation
dopamine, 107, 108
    dRhodamine, 109
    fluorescein, 110
    rhodamine, 111

    systems, 112
enalapril, 113
epinephrine, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118
ethanol precipitation, 119
ethidium bromide, 120, 121, 122
ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid, 123

5-FAM, 124
fenoterol, 125
Formamide, 126

G-protein, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131
gene loci, 132
Glucocorticoid-Remediable Aldosteronism, 133
gluconeogenesis, 134
glycogen, 135
glycogenolysis, 136
glycosylation, 137, 138
glycosylation site, 139, 140
Gordon’s Syndrome, 141

high blood pressure, 142
8-hydroxyquinoline, 143
    environmental factors, 144
    essential, 145, 146
    primary, 147
    secondary, 148
hypoglycemia, 149
hypothermia, 150
hypoxia, 151

ICI 118, 152
ICI 551, 153
isoamyl alcohol, 154

JOE, 155

Liddle’s syndrome, 156
Light measurement, 157
linkage disequilibrium, 158
lipolysis, 159

melting temperature, 160
membrane spanning domains, 161, 162
β-mercaptoethanol, 163
methoxamine, 164
α-methyl-arterenone, 165
N,N’-methylenebisacrylamide, 166
metoprolol, 167
monoamine oxidase, 168
mRNA, 169
multifactorial disease, 171

neurotransmitter, 172
nonparametric linkage, 173
norepinephrine, 174, 175, 176, 177
L(–)-norepinephrine, 178
nucleic acid
    precipitate, 179
    preparation, 180
    quantification, 181

oligonucleotide, 182
    purification, 183
    quantification, 184
    synthesis, 185

palmitoylisation, 186
PASA, see polymerase allele-specific amplification
PCR, 188, 189, 190, 191192
    buffer, 193
    cloning, 194
    cross-contamination, 195
    fidelity, 196
    nested, 197
    primers, 198
    specifity, 199
phenol, 200
    extraction, 201
phenylephrine, 202
phosphorylation site, 203
Plasticware, 204
polyacrylamide gel, 205206
polymerase allele-specific amplification, 207
polymerase chain reaction, see PCR
practolol, 209
prazosin, 210
preganglionic axon, 211
primer, 212
primer dimer, 213, 214
    dye-labelled, 215
procaterol, 216
promoter, 217
Proteinase K, 218
pyrophosphatase, 219
pyrophosphate, 220
pyrophosphorolysis, 221

radioligand assays, 222
RAS, 223
rauwolscine, 224
receptor sequestration, 225
Refrigeration, 226
renin, 227
rhodopsin, 228
RNase A mismatch, 229
ROX, 230
RX 781094, 231

salbutamol, 232, 233, 234
second messenger, 235
sequencing, 236
    dideoxy method, 237
    fluorescent, 238
Sevac, 239, 240
SHR, see spontaneously hypertensive rat
single strand conformation polymorphism, 242
Sodium dodecyl sulfate, 243
spectrophotometer, 244
spontaneously hypertensive rat, 245
SSCP, see single strand conformation polymorphism
stroke, 247
sympathetic nervous system, 248
syndrome of apparent mineralocorticoid excess, 249

TAE buffer, 250
TAMRA, 251
Taq-polymerase, 252, 253, 254
TBE buffer, 255
TEMED, 256
template denaturation, 257
terazosin, 258
terbutaline, 259
    dye-labelled, 260
N,N,N’,N’-tetramethylenediamine, 261
thiazide diuretics, 262
Tm, 263, 264
triamterene, 265
twin studies, 266

uncoupling, 267
urea, 268

vasoconstriction, 269
vasodilatation, 270

white coat hypertension, 271

xylene cyanol, 272

yohimbine, 273

© 2001 Alexander Binder