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Up: Alleles of the Human
Previous: References
- acrylamide
- adenylate cyclase
- adrenergic receptor
- adrenergic
- beta-3@
- adrenergic receptor
- beta-3@
- genloci
- ratio
- subtypes
- adrenoceptor|seeadrenergic receptor
- agar
- agarose
- agarose gel
- agarose gel|(
- agarose gel|)
- agonist
- agonist
- binding
- Ahlquist@AHLQUIST
- Ahlquist@AHLQUIST
- aldosterone
- alleles
- allelic specific oligonucleotides
- alpha receptor@
- ammonium persulfate
- ampicillin
- ampicillin
- resistance gene
- annealing temperature
- annealing temperature
- |seealso T
- antagonist
- antagonist
- binding site
- antidiuretic hormone
- arrestin@
- arterenone|seenorepinephrine
- ASO|seeallelic specific oligonucleotides
- atrial natriuretic hormone
- autoradiography
- bacteriophage
- beta-adrenoceptor@
- mutations
- beta-adrenoceptor@
- alleles
- beta-adrenoceptor@
- restriction mapping
- beta-adrenoceptor@
- allele frequencies
- beta-adrenoceptor@
- haplotypes
- beta receptor@
- BfaI@BfaI
- BfaI@BfaI
- BfaI@BfaI
- blunt ends
- bromochloroindoylbetagalactoside@5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-
- bromophenol blue
- BsrDI@BsrDI
- BsrDI@BsrDI
- calf intestinal
- calf intestinal phosphatase
- cAMP
- candidate gene
- catecholamine
- Centrifuges
- chloramphenicol
- cholinergic receptor
- contamination
- denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis
- deoxynucleotide triphosphate
- dephosphorylization
- deproteinization
- DGGE|seedenaturing gradient gel electrophoresis
- dideoxynucleotide triphosphate
- digest
- digest
- analytical
- preparative
- dimethylformamide
- disease
- multifactorial
- alkali denaturation
- circular
- cleavage
- cleavage|(
- cleavage|)
- double-stranded
- heat denaturation
- methylation
- precipitation
- single-stranded
- synthesis
- DNA preparation|seenucleic acid preparation
- dopamine
- E. coli@E. coli
- E. coli@E. coli
- EcoRI@EcoRI
- EcoRI@EcoRI
- EcoRI@EcoRI
- electrophoresis
- electrophoresis
- systems
- epinephrine
- epinephrine@L(-)-epinephrine
- ethanol precipitation
- ethidium bromide
- ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid
- fibroblasts
- G-protein
- gal+@gal
- gal-@gal
- galactosidase@
- gel electrophoresis
- genloci
- genotype
- glycogen
- glycosylation
- glycosylation@N-glycosylation
- glycosylation site
- H@H
- Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
- Hm@
- Hu@
- hydroxyquinoline@8-hydroxyquinoline
- hypertension
- hypertension
- essential
- insert
- insert
- ligation
- preparation
- isoamyl alcohol
- isopropylbetathiogalactopyranoside@isopropyl-
- Klenow fragment
- KpnI@KpnI
- KpnI@KpnI
- lac Z gene@lac Z gene
- laminar flow
- ligation
- Light measurement
- lysis
- M13@M13
- melting temperature
- membrane spanning domains
- mercaptoethanol@
- methylenebisacrylamide@N,N'-methylenebisacrylamide
- miniprep
- minipreparations
- mRNA
- Mullis@MULLIS
- neurotransmitter
- norepinephrine@L(-)-norepinephrine
- nucleic acid
- precipitate
- preparation
- purification
- quantification
- silver staining
- oligonucleotide
- oligonucleotide
- purification
- quantification
- synthesis
- palmitoylisation
- pBR322@pBR322
- pBR322@pBR322
- buffer
- cloning
- cross-contamination
- fidelity
- optimization
- primers
- specifity
- PCR|(
- PCR|)
- phenol
- phenol
- extraction
- phenotype
- phosphodiester bond
- phosphorylation site
- plasmid
- isolation
- plasmid|(
- plasmid|)
- Plasticware
- polyacrylamide gel
- cleangels
- denaturing|(
- denaturing|)
- staining
- polyacrylamide gel|(
- polyacrylamide gel|)
- Polyethylenglycol 6000
- polylinker
- polymerase chain reaction|seePCR
- polymorphism
- primer
- primer dimer
- promoter
- Proteinase K
- pUC@pUC|(
- pUC@pUC|)
- radioligand assays
- radiolysis
- receptor
- desensitization
- subtypes
- Recircularization
- Refrigeration
- restriction endonuclease
- restriction endonuclease
- activity
- restriction fragment length polymorphism|seeRFLP
- analysis of
- setup
- RFLP|(
- RFLP|)
- rhodopsin
- RNase A mismatch
- salt sensitivity
- second
- sequencing
- dideoxy method
- sequencing|(
- sequencing|)
- Sevac
- silver staining
- protocol
- silver staining|(
- silver staining|)
- single strand conformation polymorphism
- Sodium dodecyl sulfate
- spectrophotometer
- SSCP|seesingle strand conformation polymorphism
- sticky ends
- T4 DNA ligase
- TAE buffer
- taq-polymerase@Taq-polymerase
- taq-polymerase@Taq-polymerase
- taq-polymerase@Taq-polymerase
- taq-polymerase@Taq-polymerase
- taq-polymerase@Taq-polymerase
- taq-polymerase@Taq-polymerase
- taq-polymerase@Taq-polymerase
- taq-polymerase@Taq-polymerase
- TBE buffer
- template denaturation
- tetramethylenediamine@N,N,N',N'-tetramethylenediamine
- Thermus
aquaticus@Thermus aquaticus
- Tm@T
- Tm@T
- Tm@T
- transformation
- Triton X-100
- urea
- vector
- M13
- M13mp
- pBR322
- pUC18
- pUC18|(
- pUC18|)
- Xgal
- xylene cyanol
Alexander Binder
Wed Jan 15 03:01:31 MET 1997