Helmut G. Hinghofer-Szalkay
Spaceflight Research, Consultancy & Publications
Front page
ESA Publications



NASA publications

Other spaceflight-relevant publications

Book on Austro-Russian spaceflight research

Cooperation with NASA-ARC
Helmut Hinghofer-Szalkay has spent one year at NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California, and served as consultant for various international institutions, including the European Space Agency. In 1994, he established the Institute for Adaptive and Spaceflight Physiology in Graz, Austria. He won NASA-awards, and received the Yuri-Gagarin-medal from IMBP Moscow in 1999.

ESA Publications

European Space Agency (esa)

Aerospace Companies (Dornier, Germany; Matra, France; Carrar, France; ORS, Austria) on the following topics:


Together with W. Petek and G. Dohr, H. Hinghofer-Szalkay organized a tutorial on biology, physiology, and biochemistry for European space technicians ('BBAF-Course') in Graz, Austria (April 7-12, 1986). Contents:

NASA Publications
Some other spaceflight-relevant publications
See also >publications