Gruppe 4: ICD (English)



ICD-10 is a system used to classify diseases. For this seminar you will need to get acquainted with the ICD classification system and learn how to code some clinical texts.

Access ICD by visiting this URL (opens in a new window):


Learn how to use the interface. Notice how you can search the hierarchy using keywords, or browse the hierarchy using the navigation tree.

Task 2

Use ICD-10 to code the following cause-of-death certificate:


Each of the diseases shown in this cause-of-death certificate can be found in ICD, such as "Cerebral hemorrhage". Search for the disease above and find the ICD codes for each of them.

Try to code this short text:

Melanoma is a malignant tumor of melanocytes which are found predominantly in skin but also in the bowel and the eye.

If there are no diseases in the text, ICD is not very suitable!

Now try then to code/tag this text:

Joint pain. Muscle pain, even her skin. Patient was tired yet could not sleep. She had frequent migraine headaches. She had irritable bowel syndrome. She was severely depressed. She had fibromyalgia, anemia, endometriosis.

Can you see that ICD is suited for certain coding tasks more than others?

Task 3: Beurteilung

You will be graded according to your answers. A maximum of 5 points are available.

  1. Download the questions: g4-antwortbogen-en.docx
  2. Answer the questions as best you can.
  3. Send your answers by email.

Task 4: Presentation

Show how you can use ICD codes to find worldwide health data from the World Health Organisation. See Collecting Data from the WHO below. Compare numbers of deaths due to diseases of the circulatory system in Austria and Japan. What can we learn from this data? Hint: observe the trends.

Cause of death certificate, 1940


Click here for full resolution image.

Collecting Data from the WHO

In this example we will compare numbers of deaths due to diseases of the circulatory system in Austria and Japan.
  1. First visit the WHO's Mortality Database
  2. Click Select Parameters. The Parameters window appears.
  3. In the Indicators section, select Total deaths by ICD chapter and population and check the checkbox for Total deaths, ICD chapter 9 (Diseases of the circulatory system), both sexes.
  4. In the Countries section, select Austria and Japan.
  5. In the Years section, select Last available.
  6. Click <<OK>>. The Parameters window closes.
  7. Click Graphs then Line chart. The data appears.


World Health Organisation page on ICD:

Scanned death certificate from Wikipedia:

Cause of death flyer from DIMDI (Deutsches Institut f. Medizinische Dokumentation and Information)

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