Gruppe 2: SNOMED-CT



SNOMED-CT stands for the Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine - Clinical Terms. It is a clinical terminology and is the largest of its kind in the world. SNOMED is used around the globe in many applications. Here you will learn how to navigate SNOMED and use some of its features.

SNOMED terms are organised into is-a hierarchies, such as:

Viral pneumonia is-a Infectious pneumonia is-a Pneumonia is-a Lung disease

Task 1: Using SNOMED

The URL for the SNOMED browser is (opens in a new window):

Accept the license agrrement to start searching SNOMED.

Click the "Go browsing" button under "International Editions" to continue (shown below)

Browse Button

You will see something similar to the following:


Click the "Search" tab. Searching for "myocardial infarction" yields the following:


Learn how to use the SNOMED browser and navigate its structure. For example, the screenshot above shows the results of a search for "myocardial".

Task 2

Find SNOMED terms for causes of death in this cause-of-death certificate:


For example, search SNOMED for "brain metastatis". Click on the top result "Metastasis to brain". You will see the followng:

Brain Metastatis

On the right you will see "Concept Details". There are a number of tabs, including "Summary", "Details", and "Diagram".

Click "Details". Scroll to the bottom of the "Details" tab and you will find all the "Is-a" relationships relating to the "Metastasis to brain" concept:

Details Tab

Click "Diagram", you will see the structure of the concept.

Concept Diagram

Task 3: Beurteilung

You will be graded according to your answers. A maximum of 5 points are available.

  1. Download the questions: g2-antwortbogen-en.docx
  2. Answer the questions as best you can.
  3. Send your answers by email.

Task 4: Presentation

Present to SNOMED system to the rest of the class. Show how the SNOMED terminology is used, and how you can use it to code a medical text.

For example, you could search for "Heart disease" (search for "Fully Specified Name Only" to find it more easily) and show its synonyms, finding site, etc.:

Image from



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