Gruppe 1



To start the "Painful Purple Toes" case, proceed through the following instructions:

  1. First start your Internet browser (Internet Explorer or Firefox)
  2. Navigate to the following URL: (Opens in a new tab)
  3. Scroll down to view the available cases. Group 1 must use the "Painful Purple Toes" case.
  4. Locate the "Painful Purple Toes" case and click on the case's Play button. A new page opens with a description of the case, as shown below:
  5. Click Play to view this case (do not click "Play and Save", as you must be registered with to use this feature). The case appears, as shown below:
  6. Click the START button to interact with the case. You can click RESET at any time to start the case again.
  7. Work through the case until the end.

Background Learning Information

When using the cases, be sure not to miss the background information available to the learner. In the "Painful Purple Toes" case, background information is available after the physical examination of the patient, as seen below:

On the left, there is a link to some background material that the learner can access:

Click on this icon to learn more about lesions of the optic pathway, as shown below:


  1. Download the questions: g1-antwortbogen-en.docx
  2. Answer the questions as best you can.
  3. Send your answers by email.


The New England Journal of Medicine's Interactive Medical Cases can be found here

The NEJM also publish regular image challenges:

Videos are also frequently published:

As well as commented clinical cases:

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