Current Research Topics:

of TRPC (canonical transient receptor potential channels) to
channels have been identified as upstream components of
factor of activated T cells (NFAT)-signalling and as important
players in immune cell function and pathology of cardiac
remodeling. The linkage between Ca2+ signalling processes and
NFAT activity is still inclompletely understood. Calcineurin has
been identified as an important regulator of TRPC channel
function, mediated by its intrinsic phosphatase activity.
Immunophilins, physically linking TRPC channels and calcineurin
in many cellular systems, do not only provide a common scaffold
for TRP channels and calcineurin, but exert in addition
chaperone-like functions upon the TRPC ion channels. Thus,
immunophilins, calcineurin and TRPC channels appear to form a
tightly regulated signalplex, allowing for local calcium signals
dedicated to NFAT triggered transcription of genes. We are
investigating the relations between signalplex location, assembly
and downstream signling by FRET- and TIRF- microscopy in
combination with electrophysiology and fura2-calcium

Linkage of TRPC (canonical transient receptor potential channels)
to cardiac excitability, electrical- and hypertrophic remodeling.
Doleschal, Dieter Platzer
was recently suggested as a player in the development of cardiac
hypertrophy. Little is known about the direct pro-arrhythmogenic
role for TRPC3. We investigate the involvement of TRPC3 in
cardiac actions of pathophysiologically relevant mediators and
activators, like angiotensin II, for GPCR/Gq/TRPC3 signalling,
using a TRPC3 transgenic mouse model. We use hearts and
heart-cells of mature and neonatal transgenic and normal mice and
apply methods including fura2-Ca2+ imaging, isolated Langendorff
perfused heart experiments, measurement of Ca2+-transients,
measurement of sarcomere shortening and patch-clamp experiments.

Multimodal regulation of TRPC channel complexes by mechanical
stimuli, membrane lipid metabolims and redox processes
mammalian TRPC3 protein is a non-selective cation channel that is
activated via G-protein coupled receptors and PLC-metabolism.
While the important role of TRPC3 in physiological functions is
well recognized, only little information is available on the
molecular architecture, structure-function relations of the TRPC
permeation pathway and its linkage to cellular functions. Based
on a computational homology model of the pore structure, we set
out to explore the permeation pathway. We aim to identify and
characterize important structural elements of the TRPC3 channel,
like selectivity filter, gate and lipid-binding (=activation)
sites. Our computational model is tested by patch-clamp
experiments in combination with site directed mutagenesis and by
SCAM (substituted cysteine accessibility method)


between STIM1(stromal interaction molecule1)/Orai –mediated
signaling and control of proliferation, differentiation and
phenotype switching
Nicola Fameli
The projects I develop are sponsored by a Marie Curie International
Incoming Fellowship, which I obtained in collaboration with Professor
Groschner; they are part of an ongoing effort to elucidate the
fundamental mechanisms underpinning normal function in vascular smooth
muscle. In particular, we will focus on the calcium signals (and their
possible relation to intracellular sodium) which regulate healthy cell
At the core of the projects is the development of a quantitative model
of two critical calcium (Ca2+) signalling steps hypothesized to be at
the basis of proper physiological function of vascular smooth muscle:
The generation of localized sodium (Na+) transients via transient
receptor potential canonical (TRPC) channels promoting reversal of
Na+/Ca2+ exchangers (NCX) for extra-cellular Ca2+ ingress and the
capture of Ca2+ entering through NCX by sarco/endoplasmic reticulum
ATPases (SERCA). These are some of the main signalling pillars
sustaining Ca2+ wave-like oscillations observed during physiological
activation of vascular smooth muscle and understanding their mechanism
will enable us to address key questions of vascular dysfunction and
Experimental evidence suggests that both steps are assisted by plasma
membrane (PM)-sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) nanojunctions, regions of the
cell where the PM and the SR are separated by about 20-nm for an
extension of several hundred nm. Quantitative modeling is currently the
only way to enhance our understanding of transport processes at this
scale as the required resolution is <5 nm, which cannot be
satisfactorily reached by available instrumentation. Preliminary
stochastic models show a quantitative order-of-magnitude fit between
the required Ca2+ flux to maintain contraction and that calculated by
simulating Ca2+ transport across PM-SR junctions, from NCX to SERCA.
Models of the local Na+ transients measured in cultured vascular smooth
muscle cells, and presumed to be the precursors to NCX reversal in
native tissue as well, led to the introduction of several assumptions,
which will be investigated in the proposed studies.
Combining my expertise in quantitative modeling of Ca2+ processes in
vascular smooth muscle with the knowledge and understanding of
TRP(C)–NCX communication available within the Institut provides an
advantageous situation to improve our comprehension of the above
mentioned mechanisms as well as their link to cardiovascular disease.

The role of TRIC (trimeric intracellular cation channels) in cellular signaling and Ca2+-homeostasis
Bernadett Bacsa
A novel trimeric intracellular
cation channel (TRIC) was recently discovered, which is localized predominantly
in the membrane of the sarcoplasmatic reticulum (SR) or endoplasmic reticulum
(ER) and may facilitate mobilization of ER Ca2+ by enabling counter-ion
(K+) flux. TRIC proteins exist as two isoforms (TRIC-A and TRIC-B)
and were identified as key players in Ca2+ homeostasis. This project
aims to characterize the structure-function relations, (patho)physiological
role and regulation of TRIC-A channel in various tissues. Therefore, Fura2-calcium
measurements, fluorescence microscopy and immunoblotting will be used to
explore how TRIC-A ion channel contributes to the store-operated Ca2+
signaling pathway.

6. Biologic activity of laser-generated nanopattern - novel solid-phase agonists
Klaus Groschner
Adhesion of cells to
the extracellular matrix (ECM) or ECM-like substrates controls proliferation,
differentiation and therefore phenotype of cells in vivo and in vitro.
Besides surface chemistry, mechanical properties and supramolecular
architecture in the nm range (nanopattern) are currently understood as key
determinants of the biologic activity of cell substrates. Recent investigations
in our laboratories uncovered the transcriptional regulator b-catenin and Ca2+ channels of the Orai
family as important down-stream signaling elements, specifically activated by
contact of endothelial cells to nanopatterned substrates.
We aim to identify novel
nanostructured surface topologies, which are fabricated by laser processing (collaboration
with JKU Linz; Department of Applied Physics) and suitable for efficient
control of proliferation and phenotype of cells. Our experimental strategy is based on an
interdisciplinary, experimental approach that combines novel technologies for
fabrication of defined surface nanotopologies with high-resolution microscopy
(electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy and confocal fluorescence microscopy)
complemented with electrophysiological, biochemical and molecular biological
We expect profound
insight into basic principles of the communication between cells and their
extracellular environment and to discover principles that allow for better
therapeutic control of cell phenotype transitions and improvement of tissue
engineering strategies.